The submissions window for 25-26 admissions is now closed.
For more information on applying for a primary school, please refer to the Medway Council website here
Please be aware we are a nut free school. For more information please visit our Lunchtime Page.
At The Gordon Children’s Academy, we are proud to have democratically elected pupil representatives that take part in Pupil Parliament meetings. The purpose of the Pupil Parliament is to make sure that all pupils have a voice so that they can be involved in decisions about the school that affect them.
Through Class reflections, all pupils have the opportunity to raise issues, give opinions and share ideas in discussions led by a Pupil Parliament member. Wider issues can then be raised at Pupil Parliament meetings to ensure that children’s views are heard.
Pupils at The Gordon Children’s Academy know that they have a voice and that their thoughts matter.
Issues that might be discussed in Pupil Parliament meetings include:
Every child has the opportunity to participate in the activities of the Pupil Parliament through class discussions with the Pupil Parliament representatives.
The Pupil Parliament meet at least once a term to discuss school issues. Pupil Parliament meetings are organised by Miss Kemp and Miss Auer.
Being a Pupil Parliament representative is a very important job. Each member has signed the Pupil Parliament Charter, a list of promises that he or she will follow to best represent their classmates.
The Gordon Children’s Academy Eco Council aims to develop environmental awareness across our school community and to care for and develop our local environment. The Eco Council is a group of children who meet each month to discuss eco friendly and environmental issues within school which prepares children to live their future lives with consideration for global issues. There is one eco councillor from each class in EYFS, Key Stage 1 and 2. Eco council meetings are organised by Miss Kemp.
At the beginning of each year, children can apply to become an Eco Councillor. EYFS and Key Stage 1 children complete an application form and teachers choose the successful applicants. Key Stage 2 children who want to apply to become an Eco Councillor, present themselves to the Key Stage 2 children with the reasons why they would make a good councillor. Then children then vote for their favourite eco councillor.
We begin each year by completing an environmental review to find out our schools successes and areas for improvement. We then use this to create an action plan for the upcoming year. Throughout the year each Eco Councillor meets with their class to discuss ideas about changes and improvements to the school. The issues are then raised in meetings and Eco Councillors discuss how to move forward with these ideas.