The submissions window for 25-26 admissions is now closed. 
For more information on applying for a primary school, please refer to the Medway Council website here

Please be aware we are a nut free school. For more information please visit our Lunchtime Page.

Special Educational Needs and Disabilities

Mrs B Langiano is the Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Co-ordinator at The Gordon Children’s Academy.

To view this year’s SEND Information Report please click below:

SEND Information Report September 2024

To view the SEND Policy please click below:

SEND Policy 

At The Gordon Children’s Academy we have a continuum of provisions and a continuum of assessments to support our children.

If you have any SEN Concerns please follow our flowchart.

READ MORE: Who is our Mental Health Lead in school?

READ MORE: Introducing the Emotional Support Team at Gordon Children’s Academy 

SEND Resources to support at home

Children have varying needs and there is no one size approach fits all. It is quite common for children to have additional needs that span many of these areas, so select the resources that meet the needs of your child, without worrying too much about the label or category they fall under. Everyone has strengths and weaknesses and these SEND strategies will be beneficial to many children, whether or not they have a diagnosis.  There is a list of information websites, tips and resources to help you support your children with their additional needs, learning and self-esteem in the following areas:

If you would like some further training please see Parent Workshops and Information Sessions

You can also find further information on what services are available and how you can access them on the Medway Local Offer.

Medway Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Information and Advice Support service (SENDIAS) provides a range of free and impartial help to parents/carers, children and young people.

Place2Be offer practical tips to support children’s wellbeing and behaviour on their Parenting Smart webpage.