The submissions window for 25-26 admissions is now closed.
For more information on applying for a primary school, please refer to the Medway Council website here
Please be aware we are a nut free school. For more information please visit our Lunchtime Page.
Chartwells, our catering company, make all meals from scratch in our kitchen daily. School lunches have changed enormously over the years and are now really delicious!
If your child has a specific dietary requirement, Chartwells will be able prepare meals to meet their needs.
All children in Reception – Year 2 are entitled to a free school meal, however, if you prefer, your child may bring a packed lunch to school. Packed lunches should be healthy and balanced with no more than one small piece of chocolate or cake. No fizzy drinks or sweets packed with e-numbers please.
Finally, we are a nut-free school, meaning that no nut based products should be in packed lunches as we have children with severe allergies. This includes but is not limited to: Nutella/Hazelnut Spread, Peanut Butter, Peanut Chocolate (eg Snickers, Peanut M&Ms), Baklava/Paklava, etc.
Your child might be able to get free school meals if you get any of the following:
Children who get paid these benefits directly, instead of through a parent or guardian, can also get free school meals.
Your child might also get free school meals if you get any of these benefits and your child is both:
Your child is entitled to a school meal free of charge if they’re in:
Even though your child will receive a school meal, if you are receiving any of the benefits listed above you should still apply as your child’s school will also be entitled to extra funding of £1,300 known as Pupil Premium.
To make an application for free school meals you must apply online. Paper applications are no longer available.
You will need to provide:
Please click on the link below to apply.
Apply for free school meals | Free school meals | Medway Council