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Thinking Globally

‘Thinking Globally’ teaches our children to be their best self through the knowledge skills and understanding of the world within they live.

Children are taught to appreciate and respect the world around them; they are able to reflect on how humans have impacted on the world that we know today and how they can play a vital role in the development of the world for years to come.

  • Our children are taught to debate and reflect on issues that are important to them and their teachers. They learn how to be an active conversationalist to provide and listen to the views of others
  • Through a discovery approach to Religious Education, children are taught about, and how to learn from, a variety of religions found both at The Gordon Children’s Academy and in the wider community.
  • Relationships are successfully established and developed through direct teaching sessions and learning that they are who they choose to be, therefore their choices are their own
  • It is becoming increasingly clear that future generations will be part of a global community who will need to work together to resolve global issues. Our children will be global citizens.

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